A standard or protocol is established in a SMARTree by embedding logic within the elements of a tree. This page describes the logic details available for each type of element. These options are visible on the right of each element in the form of a series of dot buttons that show the current logic state when active as well as available options depending on element type.
Child conditions are good
Child Elements have logic conditions that are not satisfied
Text String equals a predefined value
Text String has a string subset that matches a predefined value
Text String should not contain a predefined string
String should be Empty
Value is below the lowest value in the range selection
Value is within the range selection including the range limits
Value String equals a predefined value
Value is above the highest value in the range selection
The Time is before a predefined date
Today’s Date
The Time is matches a predefined date
The Time is after a predefined date
The selection must be below a predefined selection
The selection must match a predefined selection
The selection must not mach a predefined selection
The selection must be above a predefined selection